Sad Stories
Online Scammers Stories, Stole Intellectual Property and kept work for personal gain, hot check writer, Paypal chargeback customer, credit card charge back for customer personal gain, cliente caloteiro, cliente caloteira, cliente ladrão, Top Online Scammers, How to Recognize an Online Scammer, The Latest Scams You Need to Be Aware of in 2024, Online scams, clientes caloteiros|Pesquisa do TikTok, clientes caloteiros|Pesquisa do Facebook, clientes caloteiros|Pesquisa do Linkedin, Wasted Business Time and Energy.
Top Online Scammers, How to Recognize an Online Scammer, The Latest Scams You Need to Be Aware of in 2024, Online scams, cliente caloteiro|Pesquisa do TikTok, cliente caloteiro|Pesquisa do Facebook, cliente caloteiro|Pesquisa do Linkedin
This domain is paid for the next 20 years plus hosting. Therefore, this site will not go away. We will pass along to the next generation and they will keep this site online on no matter what!
Take care of your business and pay who you owe or remove any copied intellectual property from your website, blog, or any online media and your name will be removed from the Translator and Client Hall of Shame!
Sad stories was created to report payment practices,
payment practices of translation agencies, direct
payment reputation of translation
agencies and clients. Also to retaliate claims
various industries including translation agencies. Some stories are relating to stealing intellectual property for personal gain. While other stories are obvious!
We as a translator know that translation agencies try to
rip-off our countless hours sitting down doing the translation
while they pocket a profit on top of our hard work
there are not too many secretes to be revealed, it is easy:
they already got paid while they cover their own expenses and
waiting for another job to pay you. Is that simple!
This translation payment practice
website is a public service when it comes to
inquire about a business or individual that his or
her practices are least to desire. This is the only way to get their attention: negative publicity.
Eventually, they will realize it and pay you. Don’t be stupid! Ask for 50% upfront. If they refuse, then, you know that they are not serious. Look for direct clients and let it go translation agencies.
This Payment Practice site was created because some
individuals make a profit on storing a database.
This information should be free of charge and here we
Offering free Payment Practice in freelance
translation on the translation agency won’t pay for
your translation job.
Like in many industries, freelance translation work is
available, yet, some “scammers” “scum bags”
take advantage of the hard working
freelance translator and try to
scam him or her out with their lousy excuses for
not paying the translator or freelancer.
As we search the internet, Payment practices of
translation agencies, it was discovered that such information
can are listed at:
Bad Payers (Money Matters)
How to take action against bad payer
bad payers beware
translator scam alerts
Top Non-Payer Translation Agencies
Payment Practices
Translation Agencies non-payer
Translation Agency Scams
Translator: Scam: Translation Agency won’t pay
Payment Practices and Non-Reputable Translation Agencies
translator scammed over client
Translator: Scam: Client won’t pay
Translation Payment Ethics
Translation Scams, non payers and frauds
Payment Reputation of Translation Agencies
Payment Practices | LinkedIn
Proz Blue Board
translation directory
Payment Practices and Reputable Translation Agencies
Articles on Payment Practices in Freelance Translation
Translation Industry Payment Practices
Cliente Caloteiro
Cliente Enrolado
Cliente Mentiroso
Cliente Safado
Cliente Pilantra
Don’t pay to gain access to who is not paying you!
Just a bunch of Blah Blah Blah! and nothing is done
or revealed unless you pay for it to gain access!
Not any more!
Your story is
posted free of charge!
That’s right!
The only way that the presented story or name to be
removed from this website is when another link
related to the same story is removed and of course
the other party take care of business.
We do verify the accuracy of the facts and post
the story as they are presented.
There is an administrative fee of USD 200.00
to permanently remove your sad story.
The only way to contact us is via email.
Take your time and read carefully.
Some stories are amazing!
Remember: we only post the facts.
We do not endorse none of the involved parties.
It can happen to you too! Some
translation agency owners or direct clients
should work in Hollywood with their slimmy
“oh I am very so sorry for the inconvenience BS!“
Oh I have not received payment from the client
and as soon as I receive, I will pay you!
Do you really believe a translation agency
will get a job without an upfront payment?
Then, tell the translator that
he/shemust wait 30, 45, 60, 90 days to get paid?
Fight Back! Don’t become the next victim from
a translation agency or direct client that will pay
you at their sweet time and display a
daisy like attitude!
We are updating this site as the stories come in
and our investigation department verifies its
Do you have a sad story to share? We offer free
service to post it including search engine
optimization! You have nothing to lose!
It is updated and indexed online on a daily basis.
It takes time, but eventually you will get paid !
we have many stories that were removed from the site
after 10 years!
Trust us! It works to let the world know what is the real
The author and publisher of the above
mentioned site make no warranties of any kind
with regard to the accuracy of the site content
and accept no liability of any kind including but
not limited to performance, fitness for any
particular purpose, or any losses or damages of
any kind caused or alleged to be caused directly
or indirectly by the use of or inability to use this
website. No liability will be accepted by the author
and publisher of the site for the way in which
subscribers or other entities interpret and/or use
the site’s content.
This site is daily indexed on major search
The only way to remove your link is by
taking care of your own business.
Send your sad stories via email to be
published for free!
Our 2024 Current Hall
of Shame Shining Stars
that refuse to pay or
perhaps slipped their mind
on who they
owe and the amount:
We will never forget!
List updated daily and indexed
on major search engines
These are the most common and louzy excuses
The following excuses are:
1.) Do not answer phone calls
(hide behind voice mail)
2.) Hide behind the monitor.
3) Pay via paypal, get the service, are
satisfied and then turn around and place a
charge back with a lousy excuse that the charge was
not authorized.
4) Make their own conclusions and set justice with
their own hands.
5) Never reply to email messages in
regards to the matter.
6) “Oh I need to wait the client pay me
so I can pay you bullshit.
7.) “Oh! We only pay within 90 days bullshit!”
8) “Oh! we do not use paypal, can you accept a “Check”?
(do you really believe that?)
only issue checks that
bounces whenever one deposit, or even
“stew” you to believe that the check was indeed mailed.
7) All the imaginable “Oh!” I am very so sorry Bullshit
one can imagine
Translation agencies to believe all translators
are stupids or idiots
8) Shabby business practices on hold funds from customers
and releasing them at their own convenience. will tell you
that you are prone for issues! Bunch of bullshit!
9)Paypal is the worse online payment system!
Do a google search
on paypal customer complaints.
10) One-way right. Customer is very powerful, and
invincible, and always “right” behind
a computer screen or telephone with
irrational and uneducated manners.
11) José Schuincki – Wasting business time and stealing intellectual property for personal gain.
11) Oh! I am so sorry for the fucking inconvenience, blah blah blah!
Translation Agencies don’t care for you! Remember that!
Today’s client/translation agencies winners
that are on the top
of lousy excuses for not paying or
come up with a Hollywood style story for not paying
the hard-earned translator and steal intellectual
property are:
Adrian Spidle, Charles Whitman Curtis, Gabriella Newman, Irma Leticia Flores Peraza, IRU Houston, Texas, John Kroth, One Hour Translation, Luiz Quiroz, Luiz Enrique Quiroz Agrasanchez, Legal Translators Network Corp, IAP Fabio Araujo, Camilla Rodrigues Netto da Costa Rocha, Camilla Netto Rocha, A-Propos, Adaptive Language Resources, Inc, José Schuincki, Grasiane de Andrade Silva, Milenna Araujo Brandino Padial, Rogerio Ribeiro Alvarenga Junior, Katyane Azevedo, Elisangela Korth, Odete Antunes
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Indiana, Cliente Mau Pagador em Iowa, Cliente Mau Pagador em Puerto Rico Cliente Mau Pagador em Kansas,